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Eco-acoustics: stakes, theory, tools & methods (Field Trip) (Weeks 4 & 9, 6 ECTS)


This two-week module will consist of a field trip at the heart of the Jura Natural Park followed by one week in the lab. We will review the science behind eco-acoustics.  We will see the principles, methods and applications of this exciting emerging field. We will see how we can assess the biodiversity based on sounds emanating from a variety of species and environments. We will analyse the relationship between eco-acoustics and bioacoustics while also addressing key concepts such as landscape ecology and behavioural ecology. We will also discuss the areas for potential future research in eco-acoustics including challenges in species conservation and soundscape conservation. In the mornings, key theoretical notions will be presented by specialist speakers and each afternoon a more practical part will be carried. During this field- and computer-based practical sessions we will review cutting edge methods and tools for the implementation of a study for the analysis of song and for the measurement of biodiversity, including the spatiotemporal sampling strategy.

Research talks on, e.g.,  the use of eco-acoustic methods to survey the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, on the analysis of the acoustic functionality of ecological corridors, or on soundscape conservation will expose students directly to current research in these fast-expanding areas of eco-acoustics.





2024 Provisional  Schedule

Field trip (Jura):

Monday 30th September

Morning Lecture: Introduction to Ecoacoustics (J. Sueur).

Afternoon Practical:  Presentation of “dB@risoux” long-term project of biodiversity monitoring, and start of ecoacoustics tutored project.(F.Sèbe)


Tuesday 1st October

Morning Lecture: Presentation of the material and implementation of a study with autonomous recorders. Recording the soundscape.(F.Sèbe).

Afternoon Practical:  Signal processing with seewave R package, time frequency analysis and visualization, ecoacoustic analysis. Projects launch.(J.Sueur, F.Sèbe)


Wednesday 2nd October 

Morning Lecture: Acoustic survey of animal populations: Individual signature and censusing birds (F.Sebe)

Afternoon Practical:  Search for an index of presence of Galliformes in the field & Recording of deer vocalisation. Recovery of song recorders in the field and song analyses(F.Sebe)

Thursday 3rd October

Morning Lecture:  Biodiversity assessment based on artificial intelligence and neural network algorithms. (S. Hauper)

Afternoon Practical: Application of Deep-Learning Methods to Bird Detection

 (S. Hauper, F.Sebe)

Friday 4th October

Morning Lecture: Visit and presentation of the regional nature park  “ Parc naturel régional du Haut-Jura” and Research talks by guest researcher(s). (J. Barlet M.P. Reynet).

Afternoon Practical: Oral presentations and ecoacoustics tutored project.

Back to the University:

Monday 4th November

09:00-12:00 Lecture:   9 am Acoustic survey of animal populations: Individual signature and censusing birds (F.Sebe) and Active space and detection space (A. Guibard & F. Sebe).

14:00-17:00 Practical: Risoux Project ( F. Sebe).

17:00-19:00 Lecture: 1application of indices and disturbance ecology (Caledonia project, Arizona project, Silent cities project ) and discuss ecocaustic databases (A. Gasc Online ).


Tuesday 5th November

09:00-12:00 Lecture: Acoustic survey of animal populations: Detection and automatic classification of bats echolocation calls (Yves Bas).

14:00-17:00 Practical: Classification of bats echolocation calls and bats recordings (Yves Bas).


Wednesday 6th November

09:00-12:00 Lecture: underwater ecoacoustics and sampling strategy (C. Desjonquères)

​14:00-17:00  Practical: Sound localization in the field (C. Huetz & F. Sebe).


Thursday 7th November

09:00-12:00 Lecture: Sound localization bytriangulation  (C. Huetz & F. Sebe).

15:00-16:00   : Oral presentations and ecoacoustics tutored project


Friday 9th: TBC


The final mark of this module will be based on a small research project involving the tools and methods, and data that were introduced during the two weeks.  Each group of four students will produce a poster and present it orally (20 minutes per group, 5 minutes per student). The mark will reflect the quality of the common poster and the quality of the individual oral delivery.

Organisers and tutors : F. Sèbe.

Tutors: Y. Bas, C. Huetz & J. Sueur.

Demonstrators: A. Guibard

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, a successful student should be able to:

1. Record soundscapes and measure biodiversity from soundscapes.

2. Demonstrate a good understanding of tools for analysing soundscapes. 

3. Demonstrate familiarity with main issues and current topics relating to eco-acoustics and challenges in species conservation and soundscape conservation.

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