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Comparative bioacoustics III: Mammals (Week 5, 3 ECTS)


In this module we will review the production, nature, function and evolution of mammal vocal signals. We will see how mammalian vocalisations are produced and how this ensures the encoding of both static (indexical) and dynamic (emotional, motivational) information. We will see how this information is encoded in three key contexts: sexual communication, parent-offspring interactions, and social interactions. 

In parallel during lab- and computer-based practical sessions we will review cutting edge methods and tools for analysing and synthesising mammal vocalisations. Research talks, on e.g. the evolution of size communication (D. Reby), dog-human vocal interactions (Mathilde Massenet), Phonation in mammals (Tecumseh Fitch), or Howler Monkeys loud calls (Jake Dunn) will expose you directly to current research in these fast-expanding areas of comparative vocal communication.

© David Reby

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, a successful student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of how mammal vocal signals are produced, structured and perceived.

2. Demonstrate familiarity with main issues and current topics relating to the function and evolution of mammalian vocal communication.

3. Demonstrate a good understanding of tools for analysing and synthesising mammal vocal signals.



The final mark will be based on a portfolio, in which you will collate the exercises completed during the practical sessions.


2024 provisional schedule

Monday 7th October

Morning Lecture (9-12): Presentation of the module. The anatomy of the mammalian vocal apparatus. Production and acoustics of the mammalian vocalisations. The source filter theory (D. Reby). Nonlinear phenomena (D. Reby).

Afternoon Practical (2-17:00): Visualising mammal vocal signals with PRAAT. Measuring F0, Formants and estimating vocal tract length. Psola resynthesis (D. Reby, R. Philippe, M. Massenet). 

Tuesday 8th October

Morning Lecture (9:00-12:00): Indexical cues in mammal vocal signals. Morton MS rules, Ohala’s size code. The evolution of size communication: Honesty and exaggeration (D. Reby).

Afternoon workshop: (12:00-16:00): How to study a vocal behaviour from production to evolution: from sound analyses to designing playback experiments (M. Massenet, D. Reby, R. Philippe).

Afternoon Research talks: (16:00-18:00): M. Massenet & T. Fitch


Wednesday 9th October

Morning workshop (9-12): Analysing animal vocal signals with Soundgen (A. Anikin, D. Reby, M. Massenet).

Afternoon (13:30-17:30): Synthesising animal vocal signals with Soundgen (A. Anikin, D. Reby, M. Massenet).


Thursday 10th October

Morning practical (9-13): Field trip to St Martin Zoo: recording chimpanzee calls (Florence Levréro & Catherine Crockford).

Afternoon Practical (13:30-17:30): Editing and analysing morning recordings (Florence Levréro & Catherine Crockford).


Friday 11th October

Morning (9-12): Research talk(s) by Jake Dunn (Howler Monkeys),  & David Reby (Vocal tract modelling)

Afternoon (13-16): supervised study time (D. Reby) & Cédric Girard-Buttoz (Primate vocal communication). Portfolio submission @ 4pm.

Organiser and tutor: David Reby

Tutors: Florence Levrero, Andrey Anikin, Daria Valente, Lucie Barluet, Mathilde Massenet.

Guests Speakers: Tecumseh Fitch, Cédric Girard-Buttoz, Jake Dunn, Catherine Crockford.

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