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Animal welfare and laboratory (rodents) bioacoustics (Week 5, 3 ECTS)

The first day of the module will focus on rodent vocal behaviour. We will review the production, nature and function of rodent ultrasound vocalizations (rats and mice). During the afternoon practical sessions, we will apply methods used to analyse ultrasonic and rodent vocalizations. During the second day of the module, we will discuss the relevance of rodent bioacoustics for laboratory studies in the biological neuroscience / bio-medical domains.

During the next two days of the module, we will review how emotions and wellbeing can be assessed in animals, how they are encoded in animal vocalizations and how this can lead to emotional contagion (state matching between the producer and receptor). We will also see how bioacoustics can provide a tool for monitoring animal welfare in captivity, with a focus on domesticated (farmed) animals. During the practical sessions, we learn to apply tools for assessing emotions and welfare in mammal vocalizations.

The module will conclude with research talks during the last day.

© Elodie Briefer

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, a successful student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of rodent bioacoustics and of the main tools used to record and analyse rats and mice vocalizations.

2. Demonstrate familiarity with main issues and current topics relating to the use of bioacoustics to monitor animal welfare.

3. Demonstrate a good understating of principles behind the assessment of animal emotions and their encoding in animal vocalizations.

© Brian Squibb​


Monday and Tuesday's content will be assessed by a practical-based presentation on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday and Thursday's content will also be assessed by a practical-based presentation, scheduled for Friday morning.

© Brian Squibb​

2025 Provisional Schedule

Monday 13th October

Morning lecture (starts 10am): Acoustic communication in mice and rats (Elodie Ey).

Afternoon Practicals: Recording and analysing ultrasonic signals (Fabrice de Chaumont).

Tuesday 14th October

Morning lecture (starts 8am): Use of rodent vocal behaviour in neuroscience and biomedical studies (Elodie Ey).

Afternoon Practicals: Recording and analysing rodent vocalizations in the laboratory (Fabrice de Chaumont).

Wednesday 15th October (Elodie Briefer)

Lectures (9.00-12.00 & 13.00-14.00): Assessment of animal emotions and their encoding in animal vocalisations

Practical (14:00-17:30): Group project on vocal expression of emotions in humans (own recordings) or animals (provided database)

Thursday 16th November (Elodie Briefer)

Lecture (9:00-10:00): Introduction to vocal contagion of emotions

Practical (10:00-12:00): Continuation of projects started on the 16.10 and preparation of oral presentations for the 18.10

Guest speaker talks (13:00-16:00): Guest talks Marek Špinka – 1h; Marina Scheumann – 1h; Piera Filippi – 1h


Friday 17th November (Elodie Briefer)

Practical (9:00-12:00): Continuation of projects/free time

Student presentations (13:00-16:00): Presentation of projects by student groups (3 students per group) - 10-15min talks + 5-10min questions 

Organisers and tutors: Elodie Briefer​, Elodie Ey, Fabrice de Chaumont, Elodie Briefer, Léo Perrier.

Guests speakers: Marek Spinka, Marina Scheumann, Piera Filippi.

© Leo Perrier

© 2023, David Reby & Nicolas Mathevon

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