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Professors, Assistant Professors and PhD students from the ENES lab are strongly involved in teaching at the Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne. Our teachings include:
- Animal cognition
- Behavioural ecology
- Animal communication
- Ethology
- Physiology
- Ecology
- Information theory
- Statistics

International Master of Bioacoustics (MoBi)
Bioacoustics, the science of animal sounds, is a booming scientific field, with very strong academic and applied career potential. As bioacoustics become used in a wider range of fields, new sub-disciplines are regularly emerging (e.g. eco-acoustics, animal / machine interactions, freshwater acoustics, welfare acoustics etc.) leading to a steady diversification in academic and applied job profiles, supported by positions and funding.
The International Master of Bioacoustics (MoBi), a unique one year international and excellence training programme entirely taught in English, welcomes French and international students from diverse academic backgrounds: acoustics, ethology, ecology, biological conservation, evolution, neuroscience, informatics...
The aim of the MoBi program is to provide thorough knowledge and skills for students aspiring to access doctoral training in bioacoustics-related fields, as well as for scientists (e.g. neuroscientists, conservationists, etc) or environmental consultants aiming to incorporate bioacoustics in their skillset.
Organised by David Reby and Nicolas Mathevon of the ENES lab, it is a highly competitive international graduate course (max 20 students). It is structured according to the European Credit Transfer System with 60 credits over two semesters of full-time studies. It is mainly taught on site at the University of St Etienne in France.
MoBi corresponds to a second year in the French master curriculum (master 2 - M2). It is currently a pathway (parcours) of the Master of Ethology of the university of Saint-Etienne. It is also a pathway (parcours) of the International Master of Acoustics of the university of Lyon since sept. 2022. However, it is not necessary to have followed the M1 of the Master of Ethology or the M1 of the international master of Acoustics to apply.
MoBi leads to the award of the French national master's degree in Ethology (bioacoustics pathway) as well as the University Diploma in Advanced Bioacoustics of the University Jean Monnet.
MoBi is opened to:
- French students with a science master's degree (minimum M1 or equivalent)
- International students with minimum BSc degree (180 ECTS)
All with eligible qualifications are welcome to apply (if in doubt, please contact us)!
If you are not eligible, looking for a shorter training opportunity in Bioacoustics, or simply interested in a 'taster session" before joining the Master, you may consider the Bioacoustics Winter School, a highly popular University Diploma organised over two weeks each January by the ENES team.
What our former students said:
"It was sincerely a very good and enriching year of study. Thank you for creating this master. I have never enjoyed studying as much as this year."
"This master's degree has largely confirmed my desire to continue in bioacoustics, to discover all the secrets of the sounds produced! Thanks to it, I also met fascinating researchers, specialists of very different species, and other students who share the same passion, with whom to discuss and help each other. This master's degree is very enriching, both personally and professionally.
"Je vous remercie pour ces quelques mois qui m’ont enfin permis de me sentir à ma place dans mes études qui jusque-là ne me correspondaient pas. J’ai gagné en assurance dans mon travail et me sens désormais plus apte à poursuivre dans ce merveilleux monde du comportement animal."
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